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The Mountain Yoga Program

  • 29 Steps

Commit to a regular yoga practice and take your riding to the next level this winter! 4 weeks of yoga to get body and mind in the best shape for winter ahead Ski and snowboard specific yoga to build strength, improve balance, create flow and presence and rest well to keep you injury free and mountain ready! Short, easily accessible practices based on the 5 key pillars of yoga for winter prep, equipping you with the tools you need to : ❄️ build strength in the areas you need it most ❄️ improve BALANCE, on the mat and on the mountain ❄️ cultivate FLOW and creativity in your riding ❄️ create PRESENCE, peace of mind and calm ❄️ soothe and REST tired bodies and reduce injury risk and ultimately, ride harder, for longer! What current members are saying : "Just finished week 1 of your program - it's SO good! Love the themes (especially the bolster sesh pre-bedtime for the last one!) I was quite sore after the first two so it's got to be doing good things for my pre-winter bod! I'm excited for week 2!" "I've really enjoyed the first week of MYP. Parts were challenging for me but well worth it. It's given me a focus and motivation which I was struggling with - thank you" "This has been absolutely brilliant and I have had my best first couple of days ever on the mountain. Although we’ve been skiing for just over 20 years we started late in life so I consider myself a “nervous intermediate”. Yesterday and today I felt so stable and balanced it enabled me to focus on my technique. Only difference in preparation was doing your programme so thank you"

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©2025 by Hannah Duncalf Yoga
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